Segment: {
    runtimeId: string;
    externalId: number;
    url: string;
    byteRange?: ByteRange;
    startTime: number;
    endTime: number;

Describes a media segment with its unique identifiers, location, and timing information.

Type declaration

  • ReadonlyruntimeId: string

    A runtime identifier for the segment that includes URL and byte range from its manifest.

  • ReadonlyexternalId: number

    An unique identifier of the segment in its stream used for P2P communications: sequence number for HLS or playtime for MPEG-DASH.

  • Readonlyurl: string

    The URL from which the segment can be downloaded.

  • Optional ReadonlybyteRange?: ByteRange

    An optional property specifying the range of bytes that represent the segment.

  • ReadonlystartTime: number

    The start time of the segment in seconds, relative to the beginning of the stream.

  • ReadonlyendTime: number

    The end time of the segment in seconds, relative to the beginning of the stream.